[rev_slider alias=“unilumin Upad“]
State-of-the-art LED systems for the rental sector – hire Unilumin Upad III H5
1. Quick installation and maintenance
Save 2/3 of the conventional setup time with the touring system.
2. Safe construction – german TÜV-certified
Trust the TÜV-certified safety mechanisms.
3. for indoor and outdoor application
Best results and protection even in the outdoor application.
Discover our professional LED screens and touring system
To Unilumin Upad III H5 LED module
- 5.9 mm pixel pitch
- German TÜV-certified
- Front and back maintenance
- Indoor and outdoor application
To the LED module plus touring frame
- Quick installation
- 2/3 less setup time
- Back Brazing Pipe support
- Statics are taken into account